NCSS Thematic Strand: Culture
Illinois State Goal:
16.A.1b: Ask historical questions and seek out answers from historical sources. (e.g. myths, biographies, stories, old photographs, artwork, other visual or electronic sources)
Activity: The students will think of some characteristics or things they think they know about mummies, then they will work in groups of 2 to look at the die cut cards to find out if they are true or not. Also the students will write down 3 interesting facts they find while reading and present them to the class.
Content of Object Box: Fandex Family Field Guides: Die-Cut Mummy Cards
Resources: Morris Library: IMC 3-D SOCI 395
Object Box 2: Pyramids
NCSS Thematic Strand: Culture
Illinois State Goal:
18.B.1a: Compare the role of individuals in a group situation.
Activity: The students will work together in small groups and imagine they are in Ancient Egypt, where they must construct a pyramid using the blocks given. The students must then explain why it is important to work together as a group to accomplish the construction of their pyramid, and how it would have been difficult to accomplish this task alone.
Content of Object Box: T.C. Pyramid Block Set
Resources: Morris Library: IMC 3-D SOCI 402
Object Box 3: The Landscape of Egypt
NCSS Thematic Strand: People, Places, and Environments.
Illinois State Goal:
17.A.1a: Identify physical characteristics of places, both local and global.(e.g. locations, roads, regions, bodies of water)
Activity: The students will use google earth to explore the landscape of Ancient Egypt. After exploring the landscape the students will briefly describe the characteristics of the land and how they are different from the area they live in.
Content of Object Box: Google Earth
Object Box 4: Hieroglyphics
NCSS Thematic Strand: Culture
Illinois State Goal:
16.A.1c: Describe how people in different times and places viewed the world in different ways.
Activity: The students will go to the Ancient Eygpt website below and use the site to learn how to write their name using Hieroglyphics. The students will type their name in the box and copy down their name in Hieroglyphics. Once the students have copied their name in Hieroglyphics they will write a sentence explaining how the Ancient Egyptian's writings are different from the way we write in English today.
Content of Object Box:
Object Box 5: The Nile River
NCSS Thematic Theme: People, Places, and Environments.
Illinois State Goal:
17.A.2b: Use maps and other geographic representation and instruments to gather information about people, places, and environments.
Activity: The students will look at the map from the website and work in small groups to come up with as many reasons as they can, to express why they feel there are so many Ancient Egyptian Sites located next to the Nile River.
Content of Object Box: A map of the Nile River in Ancient Egypt.
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